Saturday Scotch Surprise

Happy Sunday y’all! The sun is shining! Everything is covered in ice and it’s fucking cold outside! Ahh….perfect day to do absolutely nothing and stay inside.

Yesterday started out pretty miserable…read gray, raining, and cold…and ended up gorgeous. We took advantage of the miserable morning weather and went for a run. Fantastic idea right?! Honestly, I’m a bit of a weirdo and really enjoy rainy/cold running weather. I knooooow, one day I’ll catch a cold but till then, I’mma enjoy it. It was my longest run since the marathon and it felt fantastic.


Just took it nice and easy and ran at what felt comfortable the entire time.

After the run. We spent some time with the torture device foam roller. It was Steve’s first time really using it. I think he likes it!


We went to Beasley’s Chicken and Honey for some late lunch/early dinner. Everything is good there. You really can’t go wrong when the staple of your menu is fried chicken. Even though Steve got catfish…wtf. It was super good, but we totally went there for chicken and catfish is not chicken.



Whilst there, we had the brilliant idea to have a man night. Man night consists of cigars and scotch. Buncha people came over and we did exactly that. We drank scotch and smoked cigars. A rousing game of Cards Against Humanity (with some Crabs Adjust Humidity thrown in there for shits and giggles) finished off the night.



A great way to end the day if you ask me 🙂

Here’s a great picture of Indy thrown in for good measure. Just cause she’s cute.


Do you have a lazy Sunday planned?