Sleepy Sundays…

…are the best! Gotta love taking a lazy morning and reading the paper with a nice hot cup of coffee.

How is your weekend going?

Ours has been pretty good so far even though we spent about half the day in the lab yesterday. Research never sleeps. Which is why you should never start an experiment and have to check on it over the weekend….oops.

After work (on a Saturday..I know) we stopped by Panera to grab some sammiches as a late lunch before running a few errands.

It actually warmed up a bit and was sunny so we each went out for a Shelley Lake run. Steve and I don’t run together often since I kick his ass and like to go fast. But sometimes run dates are fun.

We have a great house that backs up to the Raleigh Greenway system (which is probably the best thing about this house) so we can hit the trails anytime!


It also means we get some phenomenal people watching opportunities. Yes….chances are we are shamelessly judging you (nobody’s perfect).

The trail behind our house leads to Shelley Lake.



It’s about 4.5 miles to run around the lake and back so it’s perfect! Except when the evil canadian geese take over the trail but that’s a rant for another day.

I finished up the run in about 37 min @ 8:50 ish pace. Steve took it slow at about 11:30 pace.

We have a Super Bowl party on tap for today and have some puppy plans!!

What are you doing for the Super Bowl?

Who are you cheering for? –I’m going Seahawks all the way! Go Seattle!